Broil King Side Table Thermometer 61935
Broil King Side Table Thermometer 61935
Temperature is the best way to tell doneness but every time you lift the lid your grill loses heat and the cooking process slows down.
Monitor the whole cookout from outside the grill! Read two temperatures at one time. Monitor two cuts of meat or a roast and the ambient grill temperature. Integrated countdown timer and a wide range of target doneness for each cut of meat or set your own target.
- 2 stainless steel probes with stainless cables allow you to monitor multiple temperatures at the same time; multiple pieces of meat or a piece of meat and ambient temperature - this thermometer provides you the flexibility to always know the temperatures in your grill
- Features pre-programmed doneness temperatures for a variety of meats, ensuring your food is cooked to a safe internal temperature
- Large back lit display shows target temperature as well as current cooking temperature
Packaging Weight (lb)0.37 lb
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